Vol. 28 No. 1 (2018): Kontestasi Tradisi: Seni dalam Visualisasi Estetik, Naskah, dan Pertunjukan

					View Vol. 28 No. 1 (2018): Kontestasi Tradisi: Seni dalam Visualisasi Estetik, Naskah, dan Pertunjukan

Panggung in the first edition of 2018 brings about the theme "Contestation of Traditions: Art in Aesthetic Visualization, Manuscripts, and Performances." This theme is the main idea contained in the nine articles presented.
Tradition is still the main source of inspiration both in creative processes and the reconstruction as well as the reinterpretation of art in its various forms. This can be found in ancient texts as discussed in Hendra Santosa's et al. of Sumanasantaka Kakawin. While the reconstruction of performances and the reinterpretation of traditional arts are found in Soemaryatmi's about colossal works in the Bangunrejo dance. Further, Dedi Rosala et al. discussed the development of the pendul mask in Karawang regency, and Joko Aswoyo et al. discussed the meaning of the folk art festival in Magelang. Furthermore, I Ketut Yasa discusses various changes in the Kebyar flute in Bali from organological and musicological perspectives, while Bedjo Riyanto, et al., explained the development of alternative puppets in the midst of 'authentic' shadow puppet hegemony.
Meanwhile, in the world of artistic creation, tradition has also never been exhausted through various research processes as outlined in the Srinatih's article.
The development in the fashion world can be found in the writings of Suharno et al. who discussed the importance of Fashion Curation in Jember Fashion Carnival. Finally, Franzia portrays the latest phenomena in Visual Design studies by discussing the importance of personal branding on social media.

Published: 2018-04-13
