A. Journal Manager Duties and Responsibilities (Administrator)
- Determine the name of the journal, focus and scope, periodical, and accreditation where appropriate;
- Determine the membership of the editorial boards;
- Define the relationship between publishers, editors, peer-reviewers, and other parties in a contract;
- Keep confidentiality, both for contributing researchers, authors, editors, and peer-reviewers;
- Apply norms and provisions on intellectual property rights, especially copyright;
- Review journal policy and submitting it to authors, editorial boards, peer-reviewers, and readers;
- Create code guides for editors and peer-reviewers;
- Publishing the journal regularly;
- Ensure the availability of financial resources for sustainability of journal issuance;
- Establish networks and marketing;
- Prepare permissions and other legality aspects.
B. Duties and Responsibilities of the Editor
- Meet the needs of readers and authors;
- Seek the continuous improvement of publication quality;
- Implement the processes to ensure the quality of published papers;
- Prioritize freedom of expression objectively;
- Maintain the integrity of the author's academic record;
- Deliver corrections, clarifications, withdrawals and apologies as needed;
- Responsible for the style and format of the paper, while the contents and all statements in the paper are the responsibility of the authors;
- Actively seek the opinions of authors, readers, partners, and board members of editors to improve the quality of publications;
- Encourage the assessment of the journal if any findings are made;
- Support initiatives to reduce research and publication errors by requesting authors to enclose an Ethical Clearance form approved by the Ethical Clearance Commission;
- Support initiatives to educate researchers about ethical publications;
- Examine the effect of publishing policy on the author's views and peer-reviewers and improve them to increase responsibility and minimize errors;
- Have open minds to new opinions or views of others that may be contrary to personal opinions;
- Do not defend an opinion of oneself, author or third party that may result in a non-objective decision;
- Encourage authors/writers, in order to make improvements to the paper to be published.
C. Duties and Responsibilities of Peer-Reviewers
- Receive an assignment from the editor to review the paper and submit the review to the editor, as a matter of determining the feasibility of a paper to be published;
- The reviewers shall not review any paper involving him or her directly or indirectly
- Keep the author's privacy by not disseminating the results of corrections, suggestions and recommendations by providing criticism, suggestions, feedback and recommendations;
- Encourage authors to make improvements to the paper;
- Review the written works that have been improved in accordance with the standards specified;
- The papers are reviewed following the journal style (data collection methods, author's legality, conclusions, etc.).
D. Duties and Responsibilities Author/ Writer
- Ensure that the authors/writers in the list meet the criteria as authors/writers;
- Collectively responsible for the work and the contents of the article include methods, analysis, calculations, and details;
- State the resources (including funding), either directly or indirectly;
- Describe the limitations in the study;
- Respond to comments made by professional reviewers in a professional and timely manner;
- Inform the editor when the paper will be withdrawn;
- Make a statement that the paper submitted for publication is original, has not previously published in any form, and not in the process of submitting to other journals.