
Article Title Should be Short, Clear and Informative;
Maximum 15 Words <Font Platino Linotype Size 22 pt Bold>
Author 1, Author 2, and Author 3 <Font Platino Linotype Size 11 pt>
Study Program ........... , Faculty ........... ,
University/Institution ..............
University/Institution address ............
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The abstract of the article is written in one paragraph in English (minimum 150 words, maximum 250 words) containing the state of art of the previous problems, research objectives, methods, results, and recommendations. Writing keywords consists of 3-5 words or phrases, not exceeding one line in length; can be derived from the title, sourced in the abstract or from the body of the text, or from the thesaurus of the scientific discipline.

Keywords: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3, (keywords 3-5 words)

<Article in English, consists of 5000 - 8000 words (with A4 paper size, manuscript written in Palatino Linotype font size 11 point, 2.5 margins on each side).

<Font Platino Linotype Size 11 pt Bold Capital> INTRODUCTION

Consists of background, research objectives, theory, methods, and contribution of research results that have been carried out. The entire article is written using Platino Linotype Size 11 font (or italicized according to the language used). The first line of each paragraph is indented by 8 mm. The spacing used is 1 space.

Source citation uses the APA (American Psychological Association) 6th edition system, no footnotes. If there is a footnote, the endnote system is used.

Each in-text citation must be accompanied by its source placed in parentheses, with the author's surname and year of publication. If the quote is within another quote, use single quotation marks for inside quotes and double quotation marks for outside quotes. Put any corrections, additions or omissions between square brackets. The font used is Platino Linotype Size 11 according to the example on this page.

<Font Platino Linotype Size 11 pt Bold Capital> METHODS

This section describes the methods used by the author in the research. However, do not get stuck on definitions or quotes from books regarding the explanation of certain methods. What is important is how the method is used/worked in the research conducted to answer the research problem (operational language).

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<Font Platino Linotype Size 11 pt Bold Capital> RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

This is the main part of the paper. Scientific arguments should be presented in a concise, concise and clear manner. The discussion should fulfill the research objectives. Relate the findings to previous observations or research results by pointing out similarities and discussing differences.

When displaying tables, place them above or below the text, not in the middle of the text. For this reason, avoid using the words "...such as the table below" but use the words "see table 1". Tables can be included with the format as in table 1 (using only 2 columns of page width) or table 2 (using 1 column).

In creating a table, not all lines are drawn, but only the table head and the last part of the table. The correct way to make a table can be seen in table 1 and table 2, while the wrong table can be seen in table 3. Below the table should be an explanation of where the data was obtained.

Illustrative photos, if any, are submitted in JPEG format at 300 DPI separate from the article with a legend (caption). An example of a photo illustration is shown in Figure 1.

Illustrative photos are placed at the top or bottom of the text, not in the middle of the text. To avoid this, it is necessary to avoid sentences/phrases such as the following " ...see the picture below" or "The picture above shows that..." but delivered as follows "see figure 3" or "Figure 3 shows that.....".

<Font Platino Linotype Size 11 pt Bold Capital> CONCLUSION

In drawing conclusions, you must be critical, and not a repetition of what has been written in the Results and Discussion section. Conclusions should present new findings or a different perspective on the problem being analyzed. It needs to be explained whether the scope outlined is broad enough by involving conclusions, results, opinions, and existing theories. So that what is discussed has a problematic quality that is significant enough to benefit the wider community.

 Acknowledgments (if any)

Restricted to professionals/experts who have assisted in the conduct of the research, including providers of facilities and financial support as well as general support from the affiliated institution.

Conflict of Interest (if any)

Conflicts of interest of the authors related to the process and involvement in writing the article.

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Literature is at least 15-20 references, preferably from the latest journal sources (80%) published in the last 10 years. Authors are also required to cite at least 2 citations from articles in Pantun Journal that have been published in previous editions. The method of writing citations and literature refers to the APA (American Psychological Association) 6th style, namely written sources (articles in journals, books, and other printed sources) are arranged alphabetically at the end of the writing, following the order: author's name, year of publication, title, translator's name (for translated works), place and publisher's name.

Sample bibliography:

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Journal Article :

 Hadi, Y. S. (2017). The Legitimacy of Classical Dance Gagrag Ngayogyakarta. Panggung, 27 (4), 388–397. 

 Book :

 Becker, J. (2004). Deep Listeners: Music, Emotion, and Trancing. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Translation Book:

 Hawkins, Alma M. (1991). Moving From Within: A New Method for Dance Making. Diterjemahkan oleh. I. Wayan Dibia. 2003. Bergerak Menurut Hati. Jakarta: Ford Fondation dan MSPI.

Berg, B. (2011). "Authentic" Islamic Sounds? Orkes Gambus Music, the Arab Idiom, and Sonic Symbols in Indonesia Islamic Musical Arts. In D. D. Harnish, Rasmussen, Anne K. (Ed.), Divine Inspirations Music and Islam in Indonesia. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.

Skripsi, Thesis, Disertasi, dan Laporan Penelitian

Clair, K. S. (2012). The Art of Resistance: Trauma, Gender, and Traditional Performance in Acehnese Communities, 1976--2011. (Ph.D), University of California, United States, California. 

Audio/Video :

Sugito, H. (2005). Lakon Semar Gugat. Yogyakarta: Fajar Record.

Pustaka Laman :

Wohlstetter, P. 2010. Organizing for Successful School-Based Management. Retrieved February 5, 2014, from books.html

Webiste :

Mengenal Arsitektur dan Filosofi Rumah Baduy. Retrieved January 15, 2017, from