Keser bojong: Idealisasi Pencitraan Jaipongan Karya Gugum Gumbira


  • Edi Mulyadi
  • Lalan Ramlan



Gugum Gumbira’s Jaipongan as a dance genre has been more than ten repertoires, among oth- ers, are: Keser Bojong, Rendeng Bojong, Toka-Toka, Iring-Iring Daun Puring, Setra Sari, Senggot, Sonteng, Ringkang Gumiwang, Pencug Bojong, Rawayan, Kawung Anten, etc. However, among those works, Gugum Gumbira states his Keser Bojong’s dance repertoire as having the most ideal image. The question is, what aspects build that ideal image? Clearly, this is related to various value dimensions attributed to that dance repertoire. To discuss this issue, the writers use Richard E. Palmer’s Hermeneutics as interpretation system to reveal the “hidden†meaning beyond the texts (1969: 16-31). The scope of discussion covers dimension of concept and dance construction as well as other artistic devices.


Keywords: Jaipongan, Keser Bojong, Image, Gugum Gumbira.



Caca Sopandi

Gamelan selap Kajian Inovasi pa- da Karawitan Wayang Golek Pur- wa. Surakarta: Institut Seni Indo- nesia Surakarta (Tesis).

Jakob Sumardjo

Tafsir-Tafsir Pantun Sunda. Ban- dung: Kelir.

Nano, S.

Gugum Gumbira dari Chacha ke Ja- ipongan. Bandung: Sunan Ambu Press.

R.H. Hasan Mustapa

Adat Istiadat Sunda. Bandung: A- Alumni.

R.M. Soedarsono

Seni Pertunjukan Indonesia & Pari- wisata. Bandung: Masyarakat Seni Pertunjukan Indonesia (MSPI).

Soejanto Poespo Wardojo

Pengertian Local Genius dan Rele- vansinya dalam Modernisi. Jakarta: ta: Pustaka Jaya.




How to Cite

Mulyadi, E., & Ramlan, L. (2012). Keser bojong: Idealisasi Pencitraan Jaipongan Karya Gugum Gumbira. Panggung, 22(1).

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