Pemuliaan Angklung melalui Model Desa Binaan Berbasis Wisata Seni dan Budaya


  • Juju Masunah Juju Masunah Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Bandung Jalan Setiabudi 229 Bandung



Angklung has been awarded by UNESCO as one of the intangible world heritages from Indone- sia. One of the angklung preservation methods is through community based education. This article describes the result of research and community service activities to explore a model of community empowerment based on art and culture that uses Sundanese angklung instruments and local tradi- tional performing arts to attract tourism in Ciater Village, Subang. This research used a participato- ry action research method where researchers participate actively along with the community to create a touristic event involving art and culture. The findings of this research present that to empower a community using art and culture as an event for a tourist destination occurs by a collaborative work between local community, intelectuals, and bussiness. The community of Ciater village presented their innovation and creativity with Sundanese angklung music and local traditional performing arts in order to serve seventy tourists (artists) from Southeast Asia and Europe on October 7, 2011 for the first time.


Keywords: Sundanese angklung, tourism of culture, Ciater Village.


Juju Masunah dan A. Sunaryo

Pengembangan Desa Sehat dan Sejahtera sebagai Laboratorium Sosial & Pendidikan di Kabupaten Subang. Laporan PPM, UPI Ban- dung.

Juju Masunah, et al.

Angklung di Jawa Barat: Sebuah Per- bandingan. Bandung: P4ST UPI.

Picard, Michel

Bali: Pariwisata Budaya dan Budaya Pariwisata. Jakarta: KPG (Kepusta- kaan Populer Gramedia).

R.M. Soedarsono

Seni Pertunjukan Indonesia di Era Globalisasi. Jogjakarta: Gadjah Ma- da University Press.

T. Narawati

Seni Wisata: Kemasan Industri Kreatif di Jawa Barat. Laporan Pe- nelitian, UPI Bandung.

Sumber lain:

Undang-undang Nomor 10 Tahun

tentang Kepariwisataan (Lemba- ran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun

Nomor 11, Tambahan Lembaran

Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor


World Tourism Organization Global Code of Conduct of Tourism.1999.




How to Cite

Masunah, J. (2015). Pemuliaan Angklung melalui Model Desa Binaan Berbasis Wisata Seni dan Budaya. Panggung, 22(1).

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