
  • Bunga Adelia
  • Cahya Cahya
  • Imam Setyobudi



tradisi, perang tomat, komodifikasi budaya, industri pariwisata


ABSTRAK Penelitian ini berfokus terjadinya komodifikasi budaya pada tradisi Rempug Tarung Adu Tomat. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengungkapkan struktur pertunjukan Rempug Tarung Adu Tomat, bentuk komodifikasi yang terjadi pada Rempug Tarung Adu Tomat, dampak komodifikasi Rempug Tarung Adu Tomat terhadap masyarakat setempat. Manfaat teoretis pada penelitian ini adalah dapat memberi kontribusi bagi disiplin ilmu antropologi tentang konsep komodifikasi terhadap budaya serta menambahkan wawasan bagi peneliti lainnya mengenai Rempug Tarung Adu Tomat. Manfaat praktis pada penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman serta menunjukan adanya komodifikasi budaya pada tradisi Rempug Tarung Adu Tomat yang berada di RW 03 Dusun CIkareumbi. Landasan teoretikanya konsep teoretis komodifikasi. Metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi pustaka, wawancara, observasi lapangan dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa pada tradisi Rempug Tarung Adu Tomat ini terdapat praktik komodifikasi budaya yang pada awalnya hanya memiliki nilai guna berubah dengan adanya nilai tukar (jual). Praktik komodifikasi berdampak pada penghasilan masyarakat sekitar dan terbentuknya lapangan pekerjaan. Masyarakat memperoleh dampak penambahan pendapatan ekonomi rumah tangga. Komodifikasi memberi pertumbuhan sektor perekonomian sekaligus memperkenalkan potensi suatu wilayah. Kata kunci: tradisi, perang tomat, komodifikasi budaya, industri pariwisata ABSTRACT This research focuses on the occurrence of cultural commodification in the Rempug Tarung Adu Tomat tradition. The purpose of this research is to reveal the structure of the Rempug Tarung Adu Tomat performance, the form of commodification that occurs in Rempug Tarung Adu Tomat, and the impact of thecommodification Rempug Tarung Adu Tomato on the local community. The benefits of this research are theoretical at this research can not give a contribution to the discipline of Anthropology on the concept of commodification of culture as well as add insight for other researchers about the Rempug Tarung Adu Tomat. Practical benefits in this study gave the understanding as well as show the commodification of culture on tradition Rempug Tarung Adu Tomat which is located in RW 03 Dusun CIkareumbi. The theory used is the theory of the concept of commodification. The method in this study uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques in the form of library studies, interviews, field observations and documentation. The results of this study indicate that in thetradition Rempug Tarung Adu Tomat there is a cultural commodification practice which at first only has a use value that changes with the exchange value (selling). Initially the Rempug Tarung Adu Tomat tradition was only a cultural tradition, now it has become a tourism commodity (tourism industry) not only that, it can be seen from the implementation of the entrance ticket system, and the sale of souvenirs with the attributes of thetradition Rempug Tarung Adu Tomat, with the practice of commodification it has an impact on people's income. Environment and the formation of employment, the impact obtained by the community is of course the economic impact. Because the purpose of the practice of commodification is to build the economic sector and introduce the potential of the region. Keywords: tradition, tomato fighting, commodification of culture, tourism industry.


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