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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This manuscript has not been published previously or is under consideration in another journal

  • This manuscript is submitted using the OpenOffice document file format, MS Word or Rich Text Format (RTF)
  • This manuscript has been written based on writing guidelines in ethnic culture journals

Author Guidelines





(Titles are written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English. Titles in Indonesian use bold capital letters with Times New Roman letters, font 14, space 1. Comprehensive, clear and short title with a maximum of 14 words)



(Titles in English use Times New Roman letters, font 11, bold, italic, space 1)


Author Name

(Times New Roman letters, font 11, bold, space 1 without degree)

Occupation, Institution, phone number, Email

(Times New Roman letters 11, space 1)


Abstrak (times new roman font 11, bold, spasi 1) : describes the contents of the article which includes research problems, theoretical basis, research methods, discussion and research results. Abstract length 150-200 words.

Kata kunci (bold): maksimal lima kata/frasa


Abstract (times new roman, font 11, italic, bold, and 1 spacing): Abstract describes the content of the paper. It contains: research problems or aims of the study, research of teoritical, methodology, and results. The length of the paper is about 150-200 words.

Key words (bold): maximum five words/phrases


1.        Introduction

(Times New Roman letters, font 12, bold)

The introduction contains background, state of the art, problem formulation, research benefits and research objectives, as well as a literature review of the field of science that is the focus of the research. Introduction without subchapter titles. (Times New Roman letters, font 12, space 1).

2.        Method

(times new roman font 12, bold)

Describe methods that are relevant to the topic of the article and the research process. (times new roman letters, font 12, space 1).

3.        Results and Discussion

(times new roman, bold, font 12, space 1)

Subchapters for results and discussion use a numbering format.

Results and discussion can be presented in subchapters. Discuss clearly the subject matter according to the problem, research objectives, and theories used. References or citations are arranged in order of author, year of publication and page referred to (Damono, 1993: 55). (times new roman 12, space 1)

Supporting instruments such as tables only use horizontal lines(quick table in ms word). Example:



                            Tourist Visits in West Java


























4.        Conclusion

(Times new roman, bold, font 12)

Answers problems or can be research results or recommendations can be added. (times new roman, font 12).


5.        Bibliography/Reference

(times new roman, font 12, bold)

                Use books, journals or references from a maximum of the last 10 years. With the following writing format.


Books (times new roman,  font 12)

Setyobudi, Imam. 2020. Metode Penelitian Budaya: Desain penelitian & tiga model kualitatif. Bandung: Sunan Ambu Press.

Darmawan, Wawan. 2020. “Telisik Tradisi (Folklor Lisan Masyarakat Sunda)”, dalam Sri Rustiyanti (editor), Budaya dan Media Visual. Bandung: Sunan Ambu Press.


Wijana, I Dewa Putu. 2011. The Development of Bahasa Indonesia in mUlticultural Context: A Case Study of Adoloscent’s Slang. Jurnal Humaniora. 23 (1). Hal 71-78.


Agus, Kuntz. 2015. Surga yang Tak Dirindukan. MD Pictures. Indonesia.


Other Instructions

Articles are written in Indonesian or English, 1 space on A4 size paper with side margins of 3.5 cm from the left edge, 3 cm from the right edge, 3 cm from the top and bottom edges. The length of the manuscript is 16-20 pages including bibliography, photos and tables with titles, numbers and complete information and quoted in the text. Footnotes (if any, times new roman, italic, font 10).Contains text explanations using numbers 1, 2, 3, etc.

Manuscripts in the form of research results, conceptual ideas, studies, applications, theories, criticism, as appropriatefocus dan scope jurnal budaya etnika and has never been or is being published in another journal. The journal is published twice a year, namely in June and December

Manuscripts are sent in Open Office, MS Word, or Rich Text Format via submitting articles in OJS Jurnal Etnika

The publication or rejection of the manuscript will be notified via OJS or via email after inreview mitra bestari. For further information please communicate via

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.