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Jurnal Budaya Etnika has been registered with the number ISSN 2798-1878(Online) and 2549-032X(Print). Jurnal Budaya Etnika apply the peer-reviewed process in selecting high quality article based on scientific research and theoretical by the by Departement of Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Culture and media, ISBI Bandung. This journal collaborated with Asosiasi Antropologi Indonesia Pengda Jabar, with Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) no: B/701/IT8.6/HK.07.00/2019
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Jurnal Budaya Etnika has been accredited Sinta 5 by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia as an academic journal (SK Dirjen Dikti No. 105/E/KPT/2022)
Jurnal budaya Etnika published by the Department of Cultural Anthropology ISBI Bandung twice a year in June and December.
Thus, we invite Academics, Researchers, and Practitioners to participate in submitting their work to this journal.
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Jurnal Budaya Etnika managed and published by:
Department of Cultural Anthropology
Faculty of Culture and Media
Institute of Indonesia Arts and Culture, Bandung
Indexed Jurnal Budaya Etnika:
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