
  • Gede Moenanto Soekawati



ABSTRAK Peliputan media atas sejumlah kasus adalah implementasi agenda setting metode penyampaian informasi. Sejumlah informasi disampaikan berdasarkan fakta yang dikonstruksi sebagai realitas media. Di antaranya, kasus Tempo melawan Tomy Winata, keterlibatan wartawan Metro TV Hilman Mattauch terhadap kasus korupsi e-KTP oleh Setya Novanto, dan upaya yang dilakukan media sebagai watchdog dalam kasus Lutfi Alfiandi. Penelitian meneliti artefak digital dan tercetak, observasi, dan wawancara. Sejumlah pertanyaan penelitian adalah: 1. Bagaimana konstruksi media sebagai watchdog dalam kasus hukum antara Tomy Winata versus Tempo? 2. Bagaimana penerapan watchdog media dalam kasus penegakan hukum e-KTP? 3. Bagaimana penerapan watchdog media dalam kasus penangkapan dan penyiksaan yang dialami pelajar STM bernama Lutfi Alfiandi? Hasil penelitian terhadap artefak digital dan media cetak, wawancara, dan observasi adalah: 1. Implementasi pers sebagai pengawas kasus Tomy Winata di Tanah Abang dilakukan oleh Tempo, meski hasilnya Tempo mendapat konsekuensi kekalahan di meja hijau atas gugatan Tomy Winata. 2. Pelaksanaan watchdog dalam upaya penegakan hukum oleh Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) dilakukan terhadap kuasa media yang melibatkan Hilman Mattauch dari Metro TV dan diungkap oleh media. 3. Peristiwa kasus polisi menangkap dan menyiksa Lutfi Alfiandi mendapatkan pelaksanaan agenda setting oleh media dalam peran watchdog sehingga korban yang semula dituntut hukuman tujuh tahun penjara dapat simpati publik mendorong majelis hakim memvonis bebas.

Kata kunci: Pengawas Pers, Penegakan Hukum, Liputan Media


ABSTRACT Several events received media coverage with an agenda-setting process which became a method of conveying information. Some information is conveyed based on facts constructed as media reality. Among them are the construction of media reality carried out in the Tempo case against Tomy Winata, the involvement of Metro TV journalist Hilman Mattauch in the e-KTP corruption case involving Setya Novanto, and the efforts made by the media as a watchdog in the Lutfi Alfiandi case. The research was conducted by examining digital and printed artifacts, observations, and interviews. Some research questions are 1. How is the construction of the media as a watchdog in the legal case between Tomy Winata and Tempo? 2. How is the application of watchdog media in the case of e-KTP law enforcement? 3. How is the application of the media watchdog in the case of arrest and torture experienced by STM student named Lutfi Alfiandi? The results of research on digital artifacts and print media, interviews, and observations are 1. Implementation of the watchdog press to reveal Tomy Winata in Tanah Abang was carried out by Tempo, although the result was that Tempo suffered the consequences of being defeated at the court table by the lawsuit filed by Tomy Winata. 2. The implementation of watchdog in law enforcement efforts by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) was carried out against the power of the media which involved Hilman Mattauch from Metro TV and was exposed by the media. 3. The police's arrest and torture of Lutfi Alfiandi resulted in the implementation of agenda-setting by the media in the role of a watchdog which succeeded in making the victim who was sentenced to seven years in prison get public sympathy and was released when the verdict was handed down by the panel of judges.

Keywords: Watchdog Press, Law Enforcement, Media Coverage



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