
    Vol 1 No 1 (2019)







    Yanti Heriyawati

    Afri Wita



    Prof. Juju Masunah, M, Hum., Ph.D.

    Prof. Dr. Endang Caturwati, S.ST. MS.

    Prof. Jakob Soemardjo


    Steering Committee

    Een Herdiani




    SoCIETY 5.0 is an international conference on research with multidisciplinary paradigm managed by Postgraduate Program of Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia (ISBI) Bandung. SoCIETY 5.0 is positioned as a discourse construction of digital transformation centered on human. This is provided as a sphere of critical dialogue in exploring how technology and human may grow and walk side in side. Human wisdom and artificial intelligence may create the new civilization for the future hand in hand.

    The conference is aimed at providing a dialogue space among academics, researchers, creators, cultural elites, and experts on the field of art, culture, education, literature, design, technology, cultural engineering, media studies, and other related fields. The figures expert on the fields are presented to share their knowledge and interests either by presenting their paper, poster, or performance. Their sharing ideas are expected to competitively manage the scientific horizon. Indonesia should indeed contribute significantly to the academic and scientific development in International level. The issues promoted in this conference are remarkable in this disruptive era. The presenters and performers in this conference may investigate and explore their interest and discourse within the frame of SoCIETY 5.0.

    The keynote and main speakers in this conference are 1) Prof. Tan Sooi Beng –School of The Arts – Universiti Sains Malaysia; 2) Warong Wonglangka, Faculty of Architecture - Chiang Mai University, Thailand, Chung Shefong– College of Communication – the National Chengchi Universit; 3) Rizka Raisa Fatimah Ramli –UNICEF Winner of Comic Contest.

    The parallel presenters are from Universitas Universal Batam, Universitas Bina Nusantara, Trisakti Universitas, SOAS, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON, Economic Faculty of Universitas Negeri Malang, Faculty of Creative Industry and Telematics, Universitas Trilogi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Balai Bahasa Jawa Barat, Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, and Sociology Department of FISIP Universitas Indonesia. In addition to the paper presenters, the conference also performs research poster and art performance, among others are from Dance Department of Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia Aceh and a theatre piece of Prof. Dr Arthur S. Nalan, the lecturer of ISBI Bandung Postgraduate Program.

    This Proceeding is a trace of the conference that has been held. The ideas of the presenters written in this Proceeding mark their scientific activities in a certain time. Hopefully, what we have proposed and formulated may contribute to the development of knowledge and be beneficial to our practice of life.

    Bandung, November 2019


    Afri Wita S.Pd, M.A