
  • Zaitun Zaitun General and Character Education Postgraduate Program UPI Bandung,Indonesian


Malay folklore from Riau Archipelago is a local wisdom that can be used as a solution to the rise of the nation's moral case in the global era because there are good values that must be accustomed, cultivated and actualized in life as well as an effort to preserve the nation's culture from destruction. This research described and analyzed the charactervalues and moral messages based on local wisdom in Malay folklore from Riau Archipelago. The source of data used was the folklore of The origin of Tapai Island and Kapal Island originated from the fishing village on the coast of Bintan Island of Riau Archipelago. The research method used wasdescriptive qualitative, data analyzed by content analysis technique, used 18 grand design ofnation character and Peirce semiotics theory. As a result, there are several forms of local wisdom reflected in the folklore: a form of local wisdom that is reflected from a philosophical perspective, social life, counsel, moral values, principles, norms, rules of manifestation into social systems, daily social intercourse. Character values include: social care, responsibility, peace, curiosity, religious, hard work, discipline. As well as the moral messages: devotion to parents is a commendable character, get away from rude and arrogant attitude, it is very important to have manners, honesty bring goodness, lies will make yours wretched, keep your word that can make others offended and hurt, people who have a good character is firm, trustworthy and always keep the promise.

Keywords: character values, moral messages, local wisdom, Malay folklore from Riau Archipelago


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