
  • Idealita Ismanto Postgraduate Art and Culture Education State University of Surabaya


The background of this research is to investigate performing arts of Bromo Exotica Festival on East Java Tourism. Although the perfomance was held for the first time, Bromo Exotica Festival has successful intergrate another level of performing artsmasterpiece. The artists who work hard in the concept of the event is trying to give anew dimension in the tourism industry of a particular region. Bromo Exotica Festival was held in order to welcome the ceremony Yadnya Kasada which was executed on 7- 8 July 2017. This event is the result of artistic creativity of artists, culture practitioners and dance artists who collaborate together in presenting entertainment art performances to foreign and domestic tourists to get a special experience about the history of the commencement of Yadnya Kasada ritual ceremonies and other arts of the archipelago. The aim of this research is to desribe commodification Bromo Exotica Festival for tourism industry, traveler and the “Tengger” tribe whose living in Bromo Mountain. And also the commodification impact of Bromo Exotica Festival for tourism industry, traveler and the “Tengger” tribe. Data collection technique used in this research is study of literature, observation, interview and documentation. Data reduction, data display, determining conclusion, and validation had been used as data analysis. It can be concluded that the result of Bromo Exotica Festival has given different nuance from the performing arts that ever existed, because it was presented in the sea of Bromo mountain sand, in the festival featuring various dances of the archipelago that is really interesting and can create commodities in the tourism industry in East Java. It can not be denied, the commodification of culture can not be separated from the tourism issue. With the commodification of this culture, a nation has a kind of product to exhibit and sell to outside buyers. This commodity must in fact provide benefits for the community of cultural actors. The “Tengger” tribe has a good commodity for this event because it can increase their economic income from the traveler and the tourism industry. Commodification must be able to revive the native culture that is almost extinct and still maintained.

Keywords: commodification, performing arts, bromo exotica, tourism industry


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