
  • Hamdan Bahalwan Product Design Department, Adhi Tama Institute of Technology Surabaya,


Indonesia has thousands of cities with different characteristics. Each city produces many unique crafts that differ from city to city. One of them is Troso village located in Jepara regency, which specialized in producing woven cloth with the characteristic of the area. Troso weaving industry is a center of community economic activity based on local wisdom, but the design of the weaving motif is still very little reflects the identity of Jepara. The weaving design produced in Troso village is the design of a craftsman who later used as one of the typical designs of Troso, Jepara. The weaving design is a design that only emphasizes bright lines and colors, while Jepara has many tourist objects and urban icons that can be used as inspiration in making designs. Based on the above problems, this study aims to provide a new understanding that Troso village has a weaving craft with a distinctive design that represents Jepara, which is not owned by other regions. In addition, through the re-design of Troso weaving is expected to result in increased selling points for the craftsmen. This research is a qualitative research by using the method of design approach analysis and data reconstruction, which then will be re-drawing and transformed in the form of weaving design motif. From the research, it can be concluded that local wisdom from Jepara can be used as a reference in designing Troso weaving motif representing Jepara through visual perception transformed in the form of motif design, so that Troso weaving will have unique and original motif design of Troso village, Jepara, Central Java.

Keywords: Troso Weaving, Representative, Jepara


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