
  • Dewi Kumoratih Bina Nusantara University, Jakarta, Indonesia School of Design


This study discusses the dynamics of relations and contestation between society, corporations and the state, in its attempt to redefine Indonesian identity and to reconstruct national history through the invention of tradition. This study aims to describe the process of interaction that occurs behind the reconstruction of the history of spice route in Indonesia by its actors, both theoretically and empirically. Through this research, I would like to show that the process of reconstruction of national history is not always inititated by political and state elites as the highest authority. I conducted this research through comparative methods, direct observation, participant-observation, indepth interview, descriptive and reflective analysis. Based on the research conducted, I have discovered that, (1) democratization became a sphere where negotiation of contesting ideas of society, corporations, and the state, took place due to equality in authority and legitimacy; (2) relativity of legitimacy mechanisms as a result of parallel relations and the absence of dominant authority; (3) a two-way cycle of legitimacy as a consequence of democratization; and (4) free interpretation of market-oriented ideology. In conclusion, the process of reinvention of tradition within cultural-historical narrative reconstruction that is completely disconnected from the dominant authority's intervention leads to a new meaning that reduces the political ideology to become highly market-oriented.

keyword: spice route, Authority and legitimacy, Invention of Tradition, Market  Oriented Ideology, Reproduction of Nationalism


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