
  • Heddy Shri Ahimsa Putra Antropologi Budaya - Fakultas Ilmu Budaya - Universitas Gadjah Mada


It is not easy to talk about cultural policy (kebijakan kebudayaan) in Indonesia, even-though the DPR had just agreed to release “Undang-undang Pemajuan Kebudayaan” (Regulations on the Advancement of Culture) a few months ago, mainly because cultu-ral policy -as far as I know- had never been thought of seriously, or had ever become a hot topic in discussions related to culture or cultural matters. Nevertheless, I would like to draw our attention to it for its significance for Indonesian cultural affairs in the future, especially on the role of the government both at the national and regional level (kabu-paten level)- in advancing cultural activities, cultural products and cultural productions to strengthen and enhancing our national identities and national integration. Some the-oretical concepts need to be elucidated before we go further.


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