The Function and Meaning of Tepas (Terrace) at a Traditional house of Kampung Pulo, Cangkuang Garut Regency.


  • Nani Sriwardani FSRD ISBI Bandung, Jl. Buah Batu 212, Bandung - Indonesia
  • Savitri Savitri FSRD ISBI Bandung, Jl. Buah Batu 212, Bandung - Indonesia


At a dwelling or a house, a terrace has an important role in maintaining privacy of the inhabitant of the house. The role of the terraces is as the first filter before ones entering a house. A terrace in general serves as the area for receiving guests, and as a transitional area between outside and inside of the house. At Sundanese traditional house, terrace is called as tepas. Tepas is located in front of a building, and serves as a guest recipient. The dwelling of Kampung Adat Pulo consisting of six houses with six families. Among the six houses at Kampung Pulo, only one that is still having its original form. On that house, there’s a wide tepas located right outside of the main house, while on the other five houses there are no wide tepas exist. On those five houses, some of the tepas area has been transformed into a closed indoor area. This research is using qualitative approach with descriptive methods, as well as review on various literatures and surveys. The outcome for this research is to conclude that tepas at traditional house of Kampung Pulo has a significant role as a space or an area for social interaction.


Keywords: Tepas, Kampung Adat Pulo, Function and Meaning


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