The Emergence and Development of Jogi Dance in Batam


  • Denny Eko Wibowo Faculty of Arts, Universitas Universal Batam Kompleks Maha Vihara Duta Maitreya, Bukit Beruntung Sungai Panas, Batam, Kepulauan Riau
  • Mega Lestari Silalahi Faculty of Arts, Universitas Universal Batam Kompleks Maha Vihara Duta Maitreya, Bukit Beruntung Sungai Panas, Batam, Kepulauan Riau
  • Jayanti M. Sagala Faculty of Arts, Universitas Universal Batam Kompleks Maha Vihara Duta Maitreya, Bukit Beruntung Sungai Panas, Batam, Kepulauan Riau



This article is a representation of Jogi dance that is to the existence of the Malay community in Batam which encompasses its emergence and development until now. Jogi dance is facing extinction as there is no attempt to conserve. Therefore, this article discusses about Jogi dance in Batam based on the aspect of dance movement which focuses on the shoulder and waist shake which is different from the structure of Malay dance movement. Jogi dance known by society at present is a form of development (textual aspect) which is related to the contextual aspect. The choreography analysis and Sociology perspective are used to study the connection between Jogi dance and Batam society. The information is acquired through observation, interview, and literature review related to the object of study. The appearance of Jogi dance as a social dance refers to the entertainment performance context. The development of Jogi dance done in the choreography aspect that is structured as a dance performance for the festival. The mode of presentation had changed according to stage performance’s necessity, to the extent that is now known as Jogi a distinctive dance of Batam. This article uses Raymond Williams’ (1981) perspectives to an analysis the existence of Jogi that links some elements such as institutions, contents, and effects.


Keywords: Jogi dance, Batam, Appearance, Modification.


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