Local Wisdom of Merak Dance as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Sundanese Dance


  • Ai Mulyani Dance Department, Faculty of Performing Arts Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia (ISBI) Bandung Jl. Buahbatu no.212 Bandung West Java, Indonesia


Discovering local wisdom of Merak (Peacock) Dance as an intangible cultural heritage of Sundanese Dance which has noble values is not only an aesthetic issue. It contains philosophical, religious, educational, and related values involving all aspects of human life which are interesting to be seen. This research uses descriptive qualitative analysis method, as an initial step in data collection by conducting field observations. Participant observation was chosen since the researcher conducted the research by being directly involved in the research object. In-depth interview techniques are conducted by selecting key informants to obtain data validity that results in a more complete and comprehensive description. This research reveals the local wisdom of the Merak Dance as an Intangible Cultural Heritage which cannot be separated from culture and is part of the Sundanese people's daily lives. Merak Dance has become an icon of West Java and has also contributed greatly to the environment. In addition, Merak Dance is also a reminder of the preservation of Peacocks and keeping them from extinction.


Keywords: Merak Dance, Local Wisdom, Cultural Heritage, R. Tjetje Somantri.



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