
  • Setya Yuwana Cultural Arts Education Study Program Lecturers (Magister Program), Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Trisakti Trisakti Cultural Arts Education Study Program Lecturers (Magister Program), Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Anik Juwariyah Cultural Arts Education Study Program Lecturers (Magister Program), Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia


This paper focuses on: 1) the social movement of ethnic popular music industry in Banyuwangi; 2)the motivating and obstacle factors in Usingpopular music industry in Banyuwangi; and 3) the empowerment model of artists (songwriters, music arrangers, singers and homeband players) in music industry.This research applied social movement, actor network, society empowerment and popular culture industry theories,and using the ethnographic approach. The research data are: 1) the history aspects of Using popular music industry development in Banyuwangi; 2) some real efforts which done by the art music community in Using popular music industry in Banyuwangi; 3) the music industry products in Banyuwangi; 4) royalty arrangement by music producers to the artists. This research’s results are: 1) the artists’ bargaining position can be raised if they are aware of having Intellectual Property Rights certificates in the form of copyrights; 2) the increasing of artists’ welfare can be realized by written employment contract with music producers based on the law; 3) alternative model of a fair unit price of song arrangement based on musical experience database, music producers financial ability and VCD or CD sales on the market.

Keywords: music industry, social movement, empowerment model and creative economy


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