Triadik of Yuda Wiyata Property


  • Lilis Sumiati Dance Department, Faculty of Performing Arts Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia (ISBI) Bandung Jalan Buahbatu No. 212 Bandung
  • Asep Jatnika Dance Department, Faculty of Performing Arts Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia (ISBI) Bandung Jalan Buahbatu No. 212 Bandung


Soder is one property that is always integrated in every traditional dance. Likewise, in Yuda Wiyata dance, soder becomes an icon considering the design pattern which is made different from other traditional dances. Therefore, soder is the main attraction to be studied about the meaning of the design. The Triadic Semiotics theory is chosen as the disclosing tool. Based on this theory, it leads to a qualitative approach with the Participation Action Research (PAR) method. The Triadic Semiotics produces study of soder in the realm of object, representamen, and interpretant. The object discusses physical form, representamen is associated with concepts/ ideas, while interpretant expresses the meaning. Soder which is formed in braiding and joined with nylon thread is called Yuda Pecut. This means the whip weapon used in war as a visual sign that represents the unity of forms, concepts, meanings and messages performed in Yuda Wiyata dance.


Keywords: Soder, Yuda Wiyata Dance, Triadic Semiotics.


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