
  • Ika Sartika Sekolah Vokasi IPB University, Indonesia
  • Jaeni B. Wastap ISBI Bandung, Indonesia
  • Retno Dwimarwati ISBI Bandung, Indonesia


Kata Kunci:

Circuit of Culture, Musical Film, Mise-en-scene, Narratology, Represetation


Abstrak Film-film Rhoma Irama seakan menjadi ruang temu maya antara penggemar yang ingin melihat sosok sang idola dengan Rhoma Irama yang berjuang dakwah melalui teknologi media populer. Naratologi, sinematik, serta mise-en-scene sebagai analisis utama dalam kajian ini untuk mengkaji data-data penelitian yang didapatkan melalui observasi, studi pustaka, dan wawancara. Pendekatan teori Struart Hall dan Paul Du Gay, tentang lima unsur yang saling berkaitan dalam bentuk identity, representation, production, regulation and consumption. Tinjauan sosiologis memperkenalkan tiga pendekatan utama untuk menjelaskan representasi bekerja pada kebudayaan. Pertama the reflective, kedua the intentional, dan ketiga constuctionist. Film musikal Satria Bergitar Rhoma Irama merupakan representasi atas perjalanan karir bermusik dan dakwah Rhoma dan Soneta Group. Peneliti memandang bagaimana struktur naratif film dan keislaman direpresentasikan oleh timur tengah (global) diupayakan untuk dilokalkan dalam film musikal Satria Bergitar Rhoma Irama. Alur disusun dan disesuaikan dengan cerita lagu pengiring, tampil dengan pelbagai karakter dan seting yang berbeda beda dalam setiap filmnya serta menggambarkan nuansa kolosal. Abstract Rhoma Irama's films become meeting point of the fans who want to see the figure Rhoma Irama as their idol doing who are struggling to preach through popular media technology. Narcotology, cinematic, and mise-en-scene as the main analysis in this study to study the research data obtained through observation, literature study, and interviews. The approach of Struart Hall and Paul Du Gay, about the five interrelated elements in the form of identity, representation, production, regulation and consumption. Sociological reviews introduce three main approaches to explain the representation of work in culture. First the reflective, second the intentional, and third the constuctionist. The musical film Satria Bergitar Rhoma Irama is a representation of the career journey of music and preaching of Rhoma and Soneta Group. The researcher looked at how the narrative and Islamic structure represented by the Middle East (global) was sought to be localized in the musical film Satria Bergitar Rhoma Irama. The plot is arranged and adapted to the accompaniment song story, appearing with various characters and settings that are different in each film and illustrate colossal feelings.



Cara Mengutip

Sartika, I., Wastap, J. B., & Dwimarwati, R. (2024). REPRESENTASI RAJA DANGDUT RHOMA IRAMA DALAM FILM “SATRIA BERGITAR”. LAYAR: Jurnal Ilmiah Seni Media Rekam, 10(2), 147–174.

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