Perkembangan Singa Depok di Subang Jawa Barat


  • Ira Amalia
  • Jaeni Anshori Jaeni


ABSTRACT The art of the Depok lion or gotong lion is one of the performing arts in West Java. The birth of the Depok lion art was through the people of Subang. Previously, the Depok lion was a form of satire against the Dutch and the British during the colonial period, but now its function has changed. In terms of manufacturing, the Depok lion is carved and then shaped like a wild animal using wood and carried on the shoulders of the dancers. This study used a qualitative descriptive analysis method from the book Qualitative Research Methods by Dr. H. Zuchri Abdussamad, S.IK., M.Sc. to explain things related to the subject matter that the author thinks about. The type of research used is Document Study. The procedure for obtaining qualitative research data was obtained from several journal excerpts, published data on the arts of Singa Depok. Data collection techniques are carried out by collecting data that has been published. The purpose of the researchers to research Singa Depok is that 1) Singa Depok art in Subang, West Java, is maintained and continues to increase the creativity of the community, 2) Making people aware of Singa Depok art, which is a cultural icon in Subang, must be taught so that there will continue to be generations, especially to young people, 3) So that the people of Subang preserve traditional arts and continue to experience development. Key words: lion depok, origin, manufacture


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