Proses Penulisan Naskah Lakon "GECOL"


  • Hani Silvia
  • Ipit Saefidier Dimyati


ABSTRACT Farmers are an important figure in the sustainability of agriculture. Its development has not escaped the contribution and hard work of the farmers who have been cultivating the agricultural land so far. However, it cannot be denied that currently Indonesian agriculture is experiencing a recovery crisis. Many farmers only come from the old class with a low average education. In fact, many farmers and non-farmers choose to go to the city and are forced to become coolies, migrant workers or other informal sectors due to their low income. Moreover, the youths who were rescued in the village. Farmers are a profession to be avoided. And the higher a person's education, the more difficult or reluctant it is to become a farmer. This causes the number of farmers in Indonesia to continue to decrease. There are still many people and governments who are not aware of this issue, even though the impact it can have is enormous. So far too, not much work has raised the issue of farmer regeneration. Therefore, the writer is very interested in the facts that are happening in this country of Indonesia to be elevated into the play text with the satirical genre through an analogy approach. The things that have been mentioned above are packaged in a text entitled "Gecol", which raises the issue of the younger generation fighting for agriculture. However, due to the conflicts that approached his life, his vision to raise a generation of farmers changed and came to an abrupt halt. Keywords: Gecol, farmers, regeneration crisis


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