Realisme dalam Teater dan Penulisan Lakon


  • Cerly Chairani Lubis


Abstract This article is entitled “Realism in Theater and Playwriting. There are three questions that will be answered in this paper, namely: What is the reason behind the emergence of theater realism? What are the basic principles of realism theater? Who are the movers and opponents of realism theater? To answer these questions, the method used in this paper is a qualitative method, with data collection techniques through searching available literature and documents, both in the form of books and blogs or internet sites that are considered relevant for purposes of explaining theater. realism. The basic principle that gave rise to theater realism was the change in thought that occurred in Europe, with the rise of Comte's positivism and Darwinian evolutionism. This change in thinking affected various aspects of life, including theater, namely with the emergence of realism theater which thought that theater should present the illusion of life on stage. Keywords: theater realism, positivism, evolutionism, illusion.


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