Aksara lakuna


  • Novianti Syahputri
  • Tatang Abdullah


ABSTRACT This work is a drama script that tells the story of a person who is a victim of sexual harassment in his campus. This drama script aims to awaken the victims of sexual harassment so that they have the courage to stand up and have the courage to talk about what happened to them. This drama script was created based on a real person's story, where the writer turned it into a drama script. The focus of the story in this play is how the victim tries to find happiness again. A long step taken by the victim to get up. Despair continues to haunt him on the sidelines of the routine campus life. The scorn of his parents, the love of a friend who faithfully accompanies him, rages in his heart and mind. The desire for revenge to get justice is buried by the shadow of weak evidence in the eyes of the judicial law. Disappeared already sense of justice as he expected. However, the victim still rose, the spirit of life grew again after the victim tried to write down all the expressions of thoughts and feelings while the victim was going through life. Until finally these writings bear sweet fruit, manifesting into a novel. The process of creating this drama script is carried out through the stages; determine ideas, analyze sources, write scripts, and create plots, characters, themes, dialogues, backgrounds, and create conflicts between characters, create scenes. All of these stages are arranged in such a way as to become a complete and systematic drama script. Keywords: Drama Script, Harassment, Justice, Trauma, Healing.


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