Penyutradaraan Lakon “Pintu Tertutup” Karya Jean Paul Sartre


  • Pahrul Gunawan
  • Fathul Anshori Husein


Abstract This directing takes its starting point from the play “No Exit” which tells the story of three characters who are put into a room called hell, even though the hell that is presented is not hell (a room) which has been common knowledge. The event space that the dungeon presents. The door to enter is at the end of a ladder at the back. The make-up of the characters gives the impression that it has been destroyed to thicken the condition of the three characters who are indeed dead. Overall, the writer as the director sees that the depiction of the characters' conditions is successful enough to explain to the appreciator that they are dead, besides that it also reinforces the absurdity contained in the text of this drama. For the cultivation of roles, the actors used Stanislavsky's inner acting approach. For the process of cultivating the form of drama, the author focuses on the approach of symbolism's aesthetic conventions. Music is presented to define an unknown space by presenting the sound of a bell that is like the sound of metal screeching or a whistle from boiling water, while other musical elements are present as a description of the situation or condition that each character is experiencing. The walls are made white, functioning as a description of the inner condition and thoughts of each character. Every change in events must also be felt by the appreciator as something that disrupts his existence. Keywords: No Exit, absurd, inner action, symbolism.


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