
  • Martien Roos Nagara Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia Bandung



Children have unique perspectives and perceptions when expressing their ideas and imagination through drawings. However, some children only have particular objects in their minds, such as mountains, trees, and houses, despite having many other objects around them that they can express in an image. Thus, this research focuses on boosting children’s creative abilities in expressing their ideas with various items. This research was conducted at Santo Yusup II Kindergarten in Bandung using descriptive qualitative research methods and purposive sampling techniques. This research found that the process of a child capturing an object involves both external and internal communication. Children observe, respond to, and analyze things around them through their five senses and represent their experiences and intuitions through creative images. An enjoyable creative process, where children are directly involved in new situations, boosts their enthusiasm and receptiveness in acquiring knowledge. Keywords: creativity, learning, drawing, communication, early childhood


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