
  • Rufus Goang Swaradesy Prodi Antropologi Budaya ISBI Bandung
  • Dara Bunga Rembulan



Kandri Village is a village in Gunung Pati District, Semarang Regency, Central Java known for its potential in art and cultural tourism, particularly the tradition of Nyadran Kali. The management of this tourist village is carried out by the younger generation, setting an example for a sustainable culture. This research follows a qualitative approach with data collection methods of observation, interviews, and literature studies. The observations were conducted during the Nyadran Kali ceremony, involving several key informants, including community leaders, youth leaders, and pokdarwis managers. The data obtained were analyzed and compiled into written form along with the researchers’ recommendations for the development of Kandri Village’s tourism management. Journals related to sustainable cultural tourism management serve as secondary sources to strengthen the data. The study’s results show that Kandri Village has been successfully managing its cultural potential in a sustainable manner. This management involves active participation from village officials, youth, and various units, such as BKM, Pokdarwis, etc. Keywords: Nyadran Kali, Sustainable Culture, Kandri’s Tourism Management


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