
  • Eti Mulyati



Online games are one of the most popular games for children today, because these games make everyone curious and addicted to playing them. Online games are video games played over the internet or other available computer networks. The beginning of the development of modern games began with the development of electronic media and the appearance of the internet as a support for modern games. This matter then changed the play style of children who originally played with simple tools and switched to using media such as PC (Personal Computers) or electronic media such as handhone. The internet is an electronic media which at the beginning of its appearance was used as an intermediary tool to facilitate human life. The Internet, which appearance as a communication tool, now has brought a big enough changes to human life. The internet as a technology has made significant changes, so that the dimensions of space and time are no longer an obstacle of the communication process. On that basis, this study aims to reveal values in the online games. The method used in this research is qualitative method, with the steps of literature study, observation, interview, and documentation. The researcher make an analysis using qualitative analysis methods that discuss about the values contained in the online games. The results of the study show that: online games are recreational, competitive, educational and social interaction. This study is expected to enrich and complement the study of the importance of the values contained in online games.
Keywords: Online games, education value, entertainment, competitive, social interaction


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