
  • Turyati Turyati
  • Nani Sriwardani



Dances exist as visualization performance by providing ideas or concepts in their movements. The idea of the Talawengkar dance emerged from the life of the people of Sitiwinangun Village. The people in this village generally work as ceramics/pottery craftsmen. The social life of the people is also closely related to pottery, such as children’s games, where the media for playing is also from pottery. Talawengkar itself is defined as pottery shards, and these fragments are used for games. The purpose of this discussion is to develop pottery potential into the realm of dance movements, thereby increasing the potential of community resources, especially from the younger generation, and also increasing tourism. The method used is creative collaborative, which is creating a work of dance with the background of the potential of Sitiwinangun Village as a pottery craftsman village. This work of art was created because of the collaboration with the village government and the Sitiwinangun Village studio. The result of this research is the creation of the composition of the Talawengkar dance, which is a dance with the theme of children’s games with pottery in Sitiwinangun Village. Through this work of art, it is hoped that it will encourage the younger generation to continue to preserve the potential of pottery in the area, as well as provide opportunities for the development of artworks and the improvement of tourism in Sitiwinangun Village.
Keywords: Movement, Dance, Talawengkar


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