Sugriwa Subali


  • Subayono Subayono



The SugriwaSubali episode is a part of Kiskindakanda’s book which is very interesting for researchers to study in a dance piece. This episode is focusing on two siblings, Sugriwa and Subali, who have disagreements because of their different views on life. Subali was known for his high temperament and was easily abetted by Rahwana, while Sugriwa had a noble soul. Nowadays, the culture of urging someone to behave unlawfully is very common and it is well depicted by the two main characters, Sugriwa and Subali. This research is aimed at describing the movement exploration taken from the problems and misunderstanding caused by Rahwana’s provocation, which resulted in Subali’s death. This research is based on a creative movement exploration. The basic choreography is taken from monkeys’ movement combined with daily actions. Outpouring energy and time are given so that it could give an illusion of extraordinary imagination. To master this choreography, both physical and non-physical skills are essentials. This dance piece will be presented outdoor on a mountain around BatuBaleendah, Bandung. The aim of this dance piece will be reached by focusing on the kinetic energy and striking performance accompanied by a set of traditional musical instruments. This dance piece will also be adapted into a Dance Film.
Keywords: SugriwaSubali, Exploration, DanceFilm.


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PenerbitManthili Yogyakarta


