
  • L. Edhi Prasetya
  • M. Rifqie Izzulhaq
  • M. Wira Abi



Sumur Batu located in Bekasi City is decided as a historical object in the city of Bekasi based on SK No. 431 / Kep.225-Porbudpar / VI / 2011 on June 30, 2011. Sumur Batu is a water well that believed by local peoples to be an ancestral heritage and is named Tirta Karuhun. The National Gallery of Indonesia (GNI), which acts as a venue for exhibitions and art activities, has the problem of limited space at for now expansion to the current location is also having a lot of obstacles, so a proposal has emerged to develop several national gallery satellites around Jabotabek, which can become venues for art activities. The existence of this sacred water well and recognition from the mayor as a historical object, will be articulated into one of the GNI satellites, specifically as an outdoor art venue space and considering its location as a sacred water-well, the proper proposal for a exhibition is as an art sacred space purpose. The method of this research is to record site-specific data and develop a design proposal for an open art-exhibition at the site by considering the existence of the Sumur Batu water-well as the main focus and part of the design object.
Keywords : sumur batu, satelit galeri nasional, art sacred space

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