
  • Audyati Gany
  • Erwani Merry Sartika



Global competition in the field of career and business, demands a good personality from an individual. A good personality must be possessed since they are still studying, so that they can become provisions in facing global competition. Education is a process of maturing a human being so that there is a change in attitude and an increase in knowledge through training or learning. A student who faces this process is also influenced by the personality of the student. High personality raises the ability to try and struggle in facing obstacles and problems. This is necessary if individuals take education so that their studies can be completed on time and produce good academic achievements. The personal level of a person is also influenced by internal and external factors. In addition to the perspective within the individual, the perspective from outside or the individual environment also influences the personal level of the individual. The existence of feedback and suggestions for improvement is expected to motivate students to increase fighting power during the study. This study uses a correlational method which aims to determine and study the relationship between two independent variables (Internal Perspective variable and External Perspective variable) to one dependent variable (academic achievement variable). The results of the observational data show that the students’ internal perspective tends to be in the average category, which is 66,67%, while the external perspective is also in the average category, which is 75%. From an internal perspective, 74% of respondents tend to be less focused and 58% of respondents have low Self-Confidence.
Keywords : personality, academic achievement, perspective


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