
  • Siti Wahyuni Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Slamet Subiyantoro Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Siti Sutarmi Fadhilah


The aim of this research was to discern the effectiveness of Assisted Learning and
Auditory Intellectualy Repetition models for mastering unggah ungguhing basa. The
method used in this study is the experimental method. The study population was all the
students of grade V elementary school in Sragen. The research sample was taken by using
stratified random sampling technique. The technique of collecting data used test in form
of objective tests. The data collected in form of score mastery unggah ungguh basa and
then analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. The results showed
that the average learning outcomes of students with assisted learning model is 78 with
standard deviation 7, 69 and student learning outcomes with Auditory Intellectualy
Repetition model 74 with standard deviation 7, 75. The level of significance showed that
0.000 can be taken decision to reject Ho because the level of significance is lower than
alpha (0.025). The difference can be seen from the calculations using the t-test results
gained tcount = 3,849 > ttable = 1,917. It can be concluded that there is difference in
effectiveness of use of assisted learning model and auditory intellectualy repetition to
mastery of unggah ungguhing basa.

Key words: Assisted Learning, Auditory Intellectualy Repetition, Unggah Ungguh Basa


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