
  • Endang Caturwati Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia Bandung


This study discusses the art is part of life of the community, as well as customs that tradition in society, which then has various functions, including as a medium of education. The objective of the research is to socialize back to the teachers of art, that traditional art can basically be used as the basis of character education through treatment such as,
motivating children, developing pride, practicing expression, creativity, socializing, and practicing responsibility. The research procedure used qualitative method. Implications to be gained, among others, from the event of art can be seen when students learn dancing, learn to play music, learn to make batik, and various other traditional arts, children can feel the importance of patience, perseverance, serenity, what was done successfully became a work of art of performing or fine arts. Art is not just to present a 'beautiful spectacle' and fun, but art should also be a guide. In this case the role of art educator as a missionary is very important.

Keywords: Traditional Art, Character Development, Art Educator.


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