
  • Een Herdiani Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia Bandung


Topeng Cirebon is one of dances in West Java which was born in Cirebon. Topeng Cirebon is believed to be created by Sunan Kali Jaga who then bequeathed it to his son, Sunan Panggung. It develops in some areas in Cirebon and stimulates the emergence of the new styles becoming the characteristics of respective areas. For examples, there are, Topeng Losari, Topeng Slangit, Topeng Kreo, and any other styles. The spreading is not only in Cirebon because dalang topeng performs by moving from one place to the others. In West Java, Topeng Cirebon exists and develops in Indramayu, Majalengka, and Subang. It does not develop thoroughly in Bandung but it stimulates the existence of new dance acculturated from Topeng Cirebon and the other dances in surrounding areas. This is challenging to be studied to reveal the process of the proliferation of Topeng Cirebon dance to the areas inside and outside Cirebon and also the form of the dance in those areas as the result of acculturation with the surrounding culture. The study of the proliferation map applies historiography approach and acculturation theory to see the differences of the styles among the areas. The result shows that the cultural acculturation stimulates the emergence of new style and characteristic of Topeng Cirebon dance. This surely enriches the vocabulary of dances in West Java.

Keywords: Proliferation, Tari Topeng Cirebon, Acculturation


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