
  • Budi Defri Kurniawati Post Graduate of Surabaya State University


Janggan Village is one of the clove producing villages in Magetan. Clove plants grow a lot in the garden and yard residents. Clove plants are the most widely used in the interest. People consider the fruit of cloves not useful anymore and only use the fruit of cloves as a seed. In this study the authors utilize the clove as a natural dye batik. The use of cloves for fabric dye is done by boiling for extracts. The method used in this natural dye research is descriptive explorative, data collection technique by way
of experiment, interview and documentation. Processing of natural dye from clove using two compositions, namely: 1) Two ounces of clove per 2 liters of water, boiled to 1 liter; and 2) Six ounces of clove / 6 liters of water, boiled down to 2 liters. Fabric cotton dyeing is done as much as 16x and silk cloth as much as 9x. The result of dyeing according to the composition 1) In the primer cloth of alum fixation is cream to brown, with lime fixation result of light gray to old, and the fixation of the result of tunjung is gray to black. In silk fabrics, alum fixation produces light green to dark green, lime fixation produces a gray color, and tunjung fixation produces a gray to black color. The result of the processing according to the composition 2) In the primer of the fixation alum is the result of light brown to dark brown, lime fixation produces brown to dark brown, and tunjung fixation produces a gray to black color. In silk
fabrics, alum fixation produces light brown to dark brown, lime fixation produces a brown color, and tunjung fixation produces gray to black.

Keywords: dyeing, fixation, clove fruit


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