
  • Bram Kushardjanto Gelar Nusantara, PT. Jakarta, Indonesia


The problem in this study is how a performing arts organization determines the most important factor in conducting an assessment to regulate the level of consumer retention to repurchase a service. For an organization that provides emotional service, assessing the audience's emotional response to a performance is quite challenging. Therefore, this research needs to be done to find out what emotional issues underlie the decision of the audience to go back and repurchase tickets to traditional performing arts productions. This research was developed by getting the
audience’s response of traditional performing arts production from Wayang Orang (WO) Bharata group at Gedung WO. Bharata in Jakarta. The samples are examined using a structural equation modelling which could indicate the repurchase intention based on its satisfaction value.Findings show that the appraisal emotion and peripheral services quality contribute substantially to the time and money spent by
the audience, however the quality of the performing arts remains to be the basis of the audience's tendency for repurchase intentions.The expected implication of this research is that the management of WO. Bharata can improve the quality of service continuously to maintain the loyalty of the audience by providing added value through the improvement of facilities and infrastructure in the Gedung WO. Bharata.

Keywords: Repurchase Intention, Satisfaction Value, Appraisal Emotion, Traditional Performing Arts, Wayang Orang


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