In the agenda Nawa Cita president Joko Widodo, character education becomes the main issue. The expected character education aims to equip Indonesian children able to adapt to the global environment. Character education is also a family and community task. Characters that are superior, independent, firm, firm, can be learned through the character of wayang. Gatotkaca's son Bimasena is the central figure of the Ramayana Mahabharata wayang. The virtues taught through the
Gatotkaca character “The Muscle Knight of Iron Bone Wire”, a local wisdom that is still very worthy of being taught to the younger generation today. The nature of the Gatotkaca knights is still highly relevant taught at the college. Gatotkaca superior characters need to be transformed into various media, such as games that children like, comics, print, electronic, and various media today.
Keywords: art, wayang, local wisdom, character, media
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