Technology often always contributes to the development of art, by providing a new cultural entity. Moving with the acceleration of technology and art to process a digital image that now often appears in the form of digital world imaging. This acceleration gives a certain perception to the society's social culture now. Especially about the endless public figure being a spotlight in the digital age. Until finally the
obsession with public figures becomes one of the social cultural phenomena in society, physical appearance and lifestyle become the basic determinant for perception of social strata and personal branded. The obsession phenomenon of the public figure is then utilized and reinforced by the interest of the industry in selling its products by way of creating standardization of lifestyle through the onslaught of advertising media using a public figure that has visually been through multiple layers
of digital image process.Especially postmodern society formed from consumer society that do not know its position in social culture today. So this phenomenon that will be put forward in this research, aims to explore how this gajala can be formed and how to react. Through a phenomenological approach in postmodern society.
Keyword : public figure, postmodern
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