Women aesthetics that are visualized in the billboard advertisement of Pundi Bank is a strategic activity to persuade consumer or society. By that, the creation of women aesthetics in the billboard advertisement of Pundi Bank and the meaning within need to be concerned in the study of visual communication design. The method that is used in this study is semiotics. Semiotics is essentially a qualitative interpretative
(interpretation) method that focuses on sign and text as a study object as well as on how researchers interpret and understand the code (decoding) of the sign and the text. As a result, the study provides an overview of women aesthetics that is presented in the advertisement. This can be seen from the selection of visual communication elements such as photographic illustration, text, and color. Furthermore, this advertisement is formed by many icons in which it can be interpreted as a symbol of contemporary woman. Women aesthetics are presented
as a text to respond the development in contemporary society. Besides that, Pundi Bank advertisement also has a construction of social reality which can be seen as denotative and connotative meaning.
Keywords: billboard advertisement, women aesthetics, contemporary icons
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