Evaluation of the Integrated Referral Service and System (Slrt) "Repeh-Rapih" in Sukabumi City


  • Gayatri Meilinawati Sociology Study Program FISIP Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia Jl. Prof. Dr. Selo Soemardjan Depok, West Java
  • Linda Darmajanti Sociology Study Program FISIP Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia Jl. Prof. Dr. Selo Soemardjan Depok, West Java


Integrated social services (integrated) in the form of Single Window Services (SWS) or One-Stop-Shop (OSS) is one of the policy initiatives developed by the Ministry of Social Affairs to overcome the challenges in providing compre-hensive social protection to the poor and vulnerable people. The government intervention in the form of integrated social services was an effort to overcome the alleged fragmentation of social services and the distribution of social assistance. The results of previous research indicated that the implementation of the integrated service policy model was claimed to produce three comparative advantages: multi- service integration, efficient implementation and satisfaction of community services. However, in its implementation, there were still many obstacles encountered in the aspects of input to the process/activity aspects of the program implementation. This research was evaluation research which tried to see the effectiveness and relevance of the integrated referral service and systems (SLRT). In evaluating the SLRT program, a qualitative approach was used by using the technique of data collection, namely interview, observation and document search, with a research framework which adapted from the Dale evaluation model. To support Dale's evaluation model, the researchers also analyzed MOT (Moment of Truth) and FOS (the Flower of Services). The results of this research indicated that the first was sectoral ego was dominant between institutions and misperception and communication between them; therefore it reduced the quality of program effectiveness. Second, the access of beneficiaries (poor and vulnerable poor, as well as people with other social problems) has not been optimal with social services available at the central and regional levels, therefore it reduced the quality of program relevance. Third, the lack of supplementary services (additional services) programs. Fourth, it was about the lack of instruments at the level of program implementation.


Keywords: Integrated Social Services, Relevance, Effectiveness, Social Protection, Single Window Services (SWS)


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