The Pattern of Vertical Inheritance and the Role of Sheikh in Inheritance System of Ratoeh Bantai Dance in Aceh Province


  • Fifie Febryanti Sukman Dance Study Program, Performance Art Majors Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia of Aceh, Jantho City, Indonesia
  • Sabri Gusmail Dance Study Program, Performance Art Majors Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia of Aceh, Jantho City, Indonesia


Ratoeh Bantai dance is one of the traditional dance in South Aceh that its existence is unpopular like the ancient times. A used inheritance system by the support community of Ratoeh Bantai Dance is just by using a vertical inheritance system. They bequeath the Ratoeh Bantai dance only to their grandchildren. Thus, if it is allowed then it will inflict an extinction of Ratoeh Bantai dance. This research aims to know the presence of Ratoeh Bantai dance that resides in South Aceh by using the system or pattern of vertical inheritance. The focused discussion finds the factors which cause the existence of Ratoeh Bantai dance as in-existent as old with the pattern of the kinship inheritance system.

This research constitutes qualitative research, that describes or depicts the Ratoeh Bantai dance, textually and contextually, into a narrative form. The research approach uses an ethic and emic approach or insider and outsider viewpoint in collecting data. The research data is obtained by using observation, interview, documentation, and literature study method. The obtained data is subsequently analyzed, thus resulting in a research result then it is presented result in a descriptive form. The results of the study were in the form of Ratoeh Bantai dance presentation which included aspects of dancers, movements, makeup and clothing, dance properties, and accompaniment music. On the other hand, this study found facts in the field if the Ratoh Bantai dance was influenced and influenced by Syech's role as a leader, not only in the presentation but also in its dissemination process. The problem of inheritance in the Ratoeh Bantai dance in South Aceh include: the first is the support of the dance performer and the local government. the second is the personal responsibility of the local community, and the third is the relevance between the wishes of the community and the form of presentation

Keywords: inheritance, tradition, dance, Ratoeh Bantai


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