Menimbang Kembali Formulasi dan Pewilahan Tari serta Konsep Ketubuhan dalam Masyarakat Urban


  • F.X. - Widaryanto





There are two sides of the paradox associated with the problem of dance formulation and catego- rization that can not be regarded easily. On the one hand, dance is a phenomenon of complexity, in which the intertextuality will embody a complicated contextual phenomenon. On the other hand, the step of categorization has a nature which facilitates someone to observe the existing various phenom- ena in a similarity of properties that tend to lead to a simplification.

The development of very fast-moving art is not often followed by adequate category and categori- zation for the purpose of the study. This paper attempts to restore awareness of the concept of corpo- reality with the reality of the complexity, and reconsider and formulate the dance categorization in a creative tradition occured in Urban communities in Bandung in the period of 2000 to 2011.


Keywords: corporeality, complexity, categorization, and dance.


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How to Cite

Widaryanto, F. .-. (2012). Menimbang Kembali Formulasi dan Pewilahan Tari serta Konsep Ketubuhan dalam Masyarakat Urban. Panggung, 22(2).

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