Pathêt: Ruang Bunyi dalam Karawitan Gaya Yogyakarta


  • Hanggar Budi Prasetya Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) Yogyakarta Jalan Parangtritis KM 6,5 Sewon, Yogyakarta



This research aims to answer a question of why two Javanese gamelan pieces (gending) of differ- ent pathêt (modes) cannot be performed consecutively without grambyangan lead. The data of this research were obtained from in-depth interview and observation of karawitan (gamelan performanc- es), focusing on karawitan training process, wayang performances, and karawitan performances for pleasure or uyon-uyon. Using phenomenology method, it can be concluded that pathêt is a space of sound. Two gamelan pieces having different modes are similar to two gamelan pieces in different spaces. There is a link between spaces that can be opened by the sound of gender or grambyangan. As a space, karawitan has three spaces of sound, i.e. space of pathêt nem, space of pathêt sanga, and space of pathêt manyura.


Keywords: gending, pathêt, ruang bunyi, karawitan Jawa.


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Sumber Lain:

Asal Sugiarto, 59 th. Seniman

Ign. Nuryanto Putra, 42 th. Seniman Indri Kiswara, 55 th. Seniman Murwanto, 59 th. Seniman




How to Cite

Budi Prasetya, H. (2012). Pathêt: Ruang Bunyi dalam Karawitan Gaya Yogyakarta. Panggung, 22(1).

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