The Significance Of Narrative To Interpret ‘Sherlock Holmes’ Characterin Museums


  • Hanny Wijaya School of Design, Universitas Bina Nusantara Jl. K.H. Syahdan No.9, Palmerah, Jakarta Barat 11480



This research focuses on the study of Sherlock Holmes character that has been a famous detective icon in the world, where this character then become the main theme interpreted by the museum.  The method employed by the museum to “narrate†that particular character is very significant to determine the objective and background for the museum as the exhibition organizer. Narration holds a crucial role to “guide†the understanding of the audiences to a character, or sometimes can make “confusion†to the audience when differentiate whether the character is fiction or non-fiction. By comparing the narration on the permanent displays of Museum of Sherlock Holmes to temporary exhibition display in Museum of London with Sherlock Holmes theme, it can be seen the significance of the relation between narration and interpretation of a character that also determine the message of that museum.

Keywords: Narration, interpretation, Sherlock Holmes, museum, exhibition


Ambrose, Timothy, and Crispin Paine

Museum Basics.3rd Edition. Oxon: Routledge

Dean, David

Museum Exhibition: Theory and Practice. London: Routledge

Duncan, Alistair

Close to Holmes: A Look at the Connec-tions Between Historical London, Sherlock Holmes and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. London: MX Publishing

Lowry, G. D.

A Deontological Approach to Art Museums and the Public Trust.Edited by J. Cuno. Princeton University Press London: MX Publishing

Pearce, Susan M.

Museums, Objects, and Collec-tions.Leicester University Press

Shanks, Michael, and Christopher Tilly

Re-Constructing Archaeology: Theory and Practice.London: Routledge

The Museum of London

Sherlock Holmes: The Man Who Never Lived and Will Never Die.London:

Ebury Publishing

Other Resources:

Museum of London. Sherlock Holmes Exhibition.http://www.museumoflondon. (accessed De-cember 18, 2014).

Museum of London. Corporate Information. December 18, 2014).

Museum of London. The Museum Mission. (accessed December 18, 2014). The Sherlock Holmes Museum. _Holmes_Museum (accessed December 18, 2014).

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Literary Estate. The Sherlock Holmes Homepage. 2000. http://www. Holmes/index.htm (accessed December 17, 2014).

Swift, Frazer. “Museum Narratives.†London: Museum of London, Class Session. 17 October 2014.

Wollf, Annika, Paul Mulholland, and Trevor Collins. Modelling the Meaning of Museum Stories. 2013. http://mw2013. November 23, 2014).

List Of Illustrations

Figure 1. Arthur Conan Doyle(n.d.) [online photograph]. Available at: http://www. [accessed: 17 Dec 2014]

Figure 2. Dr. Joseph Bell (n.d.) [online photograph]. Available at: https://www. [accessed: 17 Dec 2014]

Figure 3. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. John Watson as depicted by Sidney Paget in ‘The Adventure of Silver Blaze’. The Strand Magazine, December 1892.(2013), [online photograph]. Available at: [accessed: 17 Dec 2014]

Figure 4. Wijaya, H. (2014) Sherlock Holmes Museum [photograph] In possession of: The author: London.

Figure 5. Sherlock Holmes Exhibition Banner – Museum of London (2014) [online photo-graph]. Available at: [accessed: 1 Nov 2014]

Figure 6. Sherlock Holmes Exhibition Entrance – Museum of London (2014) [online photo-graph]. Available at:[accessed: 1 Nov 2014]

Figure 7. Wijaya, H. (2014) Museum of London [photograph] In possession of: The author: London.

Figure 8. Wijaya, H. (2014) Sherlock Holmes Museum’s Displays and Collections [photograph] In possession of: The author: London.

Figure 9. Museum of London: Sherlock Holmes Exhibition Displays and Collections (2014) [online photograph]. Available at: 0I522820141016 [accessed: 1 Nov 2014]

Figure 10. Wijaya, H. (2014) Sherlock Holmes Museum’s Displays and Collections [photo-graph] In possession of: The author: London.

Figure 11. Museum of London: Sherlock Holmes Exhibition Displays and Collections (n.d.) [online photograph]. Available at: html?frame=3072504 [accessed: 1 Nov 2014]




How to Cite

Wijaya, H. (2015). The Significance Of Narrative To Interpret ‘Sherlock Holmes’ Characterin Museums. Panggung, 25(3).

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