Pertunjukan Sandhur Ttuban Refleksi Peralihan Masyarakat Agraris Menuju Budaya Urban


  • Rohmat Rohmat Sekolah Tinggi Kesenian Wilwatikta Surabaya. Klampis Anom II perum Wisma Mukti Sukolilo Surabaya 60117.djaprakkinanti@yahoo.com0818330943
  • Djoko Prakosa Sekolah Tinggi Kesenian Wilwatikta Surabaya. Klampis Anom II perum Wisma Mukti Sukolilo Surabaya 60117.djaprakkinanti@yahoo.com0818330943



Pertunjukan Sandhur merefleksikan perubahan masyarakat agraris menuju budaya urban. Dalam Tesk pertunjukan Sandhur Terdapat kode hermeneutik, kode proairetik/tindakan naratif dasar, kode semantik, kode kultural, dan kode simbolik. Teks pertunjukan dapat dimaknai sebagai tanda dan simbol meresapnya budaya urban dalam kehidupan masyarakat Tuban. Hubungan manusia, Tuhan, alam, dan kebudayaan melekat pada struktur pertunjukan Sandhur. Kehidupan manusia menjadi bagian dari siklus kosmis yang utuh.
Untuk membaca, mendeskripsikan pertunjukan Sandhur digunakan pendekatan kualitatif, peneliti menjadi instrument utama. Untuk memotret fenomena alamiah pertunjukan mengacu pada model etnografi. Untuk memahami teks pertunjukan Sandhur peneliti mempertajam analisis interpretatif terhadap “sosially meaningfull action” digunakan pendekatan semiotik.
Struktur pertunjukan, medium pertunjukan, serta ekspresi pelaku pertunjukan Sandhur dapat diamati melalui refleksi simbolis yang melekat pada pola penandaan. Gejala simbolik yang terurai secara sistematik dalam dinamika pertunjukan mengungkapkan subtansi perubahan budaya desa yang disebabkan oleh proses urbanisasi. Perubahan tatanan hidup sesuai dengan kodrat alamiah dan hukum perubahan ruang dan waktu.
Kata kunci: Sandur, masyarakat agraris, pertunjukan, tradisi.

The Sandhur perfomance reflected the change of the agrarian societies to the urban culture. In the text of performance it contains of hermeneutics code, proaretik code/the basic narrative action, semantic code, culture code, and simbolic code. The performance text can be intrepeted as a sign and symbol of the urban culture of the Tuban society lives. The relation of human, God, nature, and culture, attached in the Sandhur structure of perfomance intact. Human being becomes part of the structure of living in a natural cycles which still exist in the cosmic unanimity.
In reading and describing the performance of Sandhur used a qualitative approach, Researchers became the main instrument. To exposure the natural phenomena performance refers to the model of ethnography. To understand the performance texts of Sandhur, researchers sharpen the interpretive analysis of the sosially meaningfull action, by using the semiotic approach.
The performances structure, medium of performances, as well as expressions of the performers of Sandhur can be observed by the reflection which attached to the marking pattern. Symbolic symptoms which systematically unraveled in the dynamics of the performances reveal the substance of the change of village culture caused by the process of urbanization, there is a change of living arrangements in accordance with the true nature and the laws of space and time changes.
Key word: Sandhur, The Agraris Society, Performance, Tradition



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How to Cite

Rohmat, R., & Prakosa, D. (2017). Pertunjukan Sandhur Ttuban Refleksi Peralihan Masyarakat Agraris Menuju Budaya Urban. Panggung, 27(1).

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