Revitalisasi Kesenian Kebudayaan Karinding di Desa Sukapura, Kampung Mengger Hilir Kabupaten Bandung


  • Rani Suhartini
  • Jaeni Jaeni
  • Monita Prescillia


ABSTACK Karinding instrument has beauty and many uniqueness, karinding art is used by farmers to repel pests in the fields because of its decibe sound, karinding is not just a musical instrument but as a guide for managing nature and life for the community. Then make Karinding musical instrument as a popular art in the city of Bandung. Karinding is preserved by the people of West Java and Banten, in 2008 the preservation of karinding experienced an intersection between karinding musical instruments and the metal community in Bandung. Karinding is only an instrument but now it has various functions as personal entertainment and through the preservation of karinding through the bamboo music community in the city of Bandung. In the process of this research using quantitative methods that support the application of Karinding musical instruments in West Java, especially in the city of Bandung by collaborating Karinding musical instruments with modern songs. Another objective is to find out the response of the people in Bandung to the karinding art that is reportedly extinct and to create new creations for the karinding art in the city of Bandung. Keywords: Karinding, Bandung City, preserva



Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun (2010). pasal 1 Angka 22 Tentang Cagar Budaya menyebutkan bahwa “Pelestarian adalah upaya dinamis untuk mempertahankan keberadaan Cagar Budaya dan nilainya dengan cara melindungi, mengembangkan,dan memanfaatkan”


Revitaslisasi musik karinding pemakaian alat musik karinding di Bandung Perkembangan karinding attack Pengertian pelestarian




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