Konsep Penyutradaraan Lakon “ARWAH-ARWAH” Karya W.B YEATS Terjemahan Suyatna Anirun


  • Muhamad Amrulloh


ABSTRACT The director is the center of all activities that occur in the process, the director must be able to organize and form all the elements into a unified whole. The creative process that has been carried out in the production of the play "Arwah-Arwah" by William Butler Yeats Translated by Suyatna Anirun through systematic work from pre-production to post-production. In the course of the process, it is not uncommon for the director to encounter problems that occur, both on stage and off stage, in this case the director must have the skills or strategies to solve them. The results of this paper are proof of the author's responsibility that the Arwah-Arwah performance is the original work of the author who acts as a director in the process of cultivating the play "Arwah-Arwah"


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