Lakon Klasik Teater ‘NOH’ JEPANG “MAKAM PERAWAN”: Dosa dan Delapan Neraka


  • Fathul Anshori Husein


This article discusses the classic Japanese Noh Theater play by Kan'ami Kiyotsugu (1333-1384) entitled "Motomezuka, which is translated from the English version into Indonesian as "Makam Perawan". The reason for the translation is because how few non-Western play texts have been translated into Indonesian, even though the quality cannot be ignored, meaning that it is the same as play texts that are considered great, have high literary and human values. The writing presented is a kind of introduction to the translation, so that future readers will have basic knowledge about the play, so that at a later stage they can interpret it further. The method used to understand the play uses the hermeneutic method, namely understanding the text not only from the ansich text, but also from the cultural context and knowledge where the play text was born. Keywords: Theatre, Noh, Motomezuka, hermeneutic.


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